But President number 16, Honest Abe Lincoln, truly starts a trend that would last from 1861 - 1893. Ulysses Grant (#18) would pick up the slack where silly and horribly unfortunate President Andrew Johnson dropped it from 1865-1869. Following Grant was Rutherford Hayes (#19). Probably noted as the Presidents' President of Beards in some circles. James Garfield (#20) showed up next with a SERIOUS contender, but, alas, was not as crazy looking as our boy Hayes.
Oh, Chester Arthur... what were you thinking? Coming off of Garfield's amazingly popular beard you have... skinny chops and a mustache that NEARLY connects? I got news (albeit 127 years too late) for you... fat face and those whiskers don't mix. Grover Cleveland had a 'stache too, but it was brilliantly interrupted by Benjamin Harrison (#23) and his neatly trimmed Grandpa beard.
Since Benjamin Harrison, no President of the United States has worn a beard. I say, it's high time we get a bearded man back in office! This country needs a true leader! And true leaders wear the beard!!!
SO! On this President's Day, may you lift a glass to the Bearded Commanders in Chief... remembering their legacy and their beard-growing abilities.
President John Quincy Adams

President Martin Van Buren

President Abraham Lincoln

President Ulysses Grant

President Rutherford Hayes

President James Garfield

President Benjamin Harrison

All pictures are from http://www.visitingdc.com
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