Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Halloween Plans: Part 3

As the weeks tick by, we here at BF9K like to ponder just how amazing Marc's beard might get by the end of October 2008. To that point, brother Eric has suggested that "The Mad Monk Rasputin!" be entered into the "Possible Halloween Costumes Hat".

The costume, of course, would be legendary.

As would the party that he attends...

And because of that, it has been decided that BF9K will now begin accepting invitations to your Halloween Party. Now, don't be deceived. He will not be ACCEPTING to GO to your party just yet. All we're asking for is OPTIONS. Who will be there? Will there be hotties? Is there a theme that revolves around Marc? These are important questions that need answers before BF9K announces THE party that he (and his beard) will attend on October 31, 2008.

PS: Halloween is on a Friday this year. w00t!

Where is the power?

All the power is with the sex that wears the beard.


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

More More Week Four (pictures)

Looking to save some shred of dignity in this bearded wonder contest, Marc "The Amazing" Schmid enters a Pie Eating Contest! Did he win? Alas, he did not. He placed "Smart" in the contest... right behind second and first (of the three entrants).

I know you know... but click the tiny image for biggness.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Week Fore: Part 1: The Picturingus Infection

Marc is a pizza party at all times. Also, he will fight girls. He is unafraid of their cat-like reflexes and claws.

Click for more bigger images that please you.


Attention my dear beardface followers!
There are many of you out there that may have many opportunities throughout the weeks to capture the beasts of Rob and Marc on your cellular mobile camera interweb emailing devices that also capture telephone calls. If you do, i prithee, send them to Upon receiving any captured moments of Marc or Rob Beardface, I shall review and henceforth post any qualifying photographic images that are optimized for web and mobile device type viewing.

So... our journey together continues. Our heros in the thralls of week four battle desperately for their sanity... and sanitary upkeepings of their bearded chops.

Stay tuned for your weekly graphical updates! They are forthcoming and not suitable for children from 1 to 92.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Week Three: The Pain!

We meet our heroes in the depths of week three. A horrid week of scratching and itching as the beard begins to take true shape; carving out the daring duo's cheeks like a hot knife through semi-frozen cheese cake. This week, we have the pleasure of FINALLY seeing "the other idiot". I've been asked to simply call him "Rob" (probably his real name). So here you have it! WEEK THREE and both competitors show NO signs of slowing down...

But what's this??? ROB is showing the tell-tale signs of TRIMMING!!! This is unacceptable in this beard growing contest expert's eyes, but hopefully there will be some explanation. I'm going out on a limb and saying he has a girlfriend. Well... I don't really have to go out on a limb. I know he does. BUT, all the same, this is a beard growing contest! Not some namby-pamby well-groomed "Brawny Paper Towels Man" contest! If "Rob" is, indeed, trimming, all trimming/grooming must stop at once!

(Click all pictures to receive a larger viewing experience on your screen.)

Friday, January 18, 2008

Like the lions

"How womanly it is for one who is a man to comb himself and shave himself with a razor, for the sake of fine effect, and to arrange his hair at the mirror, shave his cheeks, pluck hairs out of them, and smooth them!…For God wished women to be smooth and to rejoice in their locks alone growing spontaneously, as a horse in his mane. But He adorned man like the lions, with a beard, and endowed him as an attribute of manhood, with a hairy chest - a sign of strength and rule."
-St. Clement of Alexandria

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Halloween Plans: Part 2

a new idea from marc for his bearded halloween costume for 2008 was "the dude". again, i thought, brilliant! but, again, on second-thought... the dude only has a goatee. so that's out.

so who HAS a beard? a FULL beard. i have 2 new suggestions that i think will work VERY nicely.

Mel Gibson OR Uncle Jesse from the Dukes of Hazzard!

The Growing Stage

ah week two... what have you brought us?

moving into dirty/lazy territory without fear, Marc marches confidently into his third week. with 2 weeks down in this 104 week beard-a-thon, one wonders how "the other guy" looks at this early stage. i will work on getting a competitive update on the unfortunate soul that decided to take on the unwavering will power of a schmid in a ridiculous contest/bet.

for your enjoyment, i've included a silly picture of marc with a fuller beard, albeit no mustache...

Click on the pic for a larger and fun-filled view.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Halloween Plans Already

Marc recently decided that for the 2008 All Hallow's Eve celebration, he will be a "hobo". This is obviously in reaction to the obversation that he will, in fact, look like a hobo. A hobo, defined as "a tramp, a disreputable vagrant or a homeless tramp", is the easy choice for Marc in his beard quest. I told him that this costume choice was too juvenile for him and that he should go with a harder choice.

He shot back with "Geico Caveman?"

Excellent choice, Marc.

Though after I comfirmed his suggestion, I wondered... would he have to shave 70% of his mustache? If so, then Geico Caveman is OUT and crazy hobo might be back in...

Your thoughts?

End of Week 1

WEEK 1 comes to an end and we find our beastly friend with a nice scruffy base. While not completely inhuman, Marc's beard, thusfar, exemplifies merely "lazy" or "unemployed" though he is neither. What say you? How long will this continue? When will birds begin to nest in his overgrown face-forrest?

Only time will tell...

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Pictures Coming Soon

Yes, I am aware that there are no pictures on this site YET.

No, your interwebs are not broken.

No, the pictures will not be NSFW (we hope).

Yes, you will have pictures tomorrow.

Yes, you should prepare for a full launch of the site once the pics are posted.

Our Journey Begins...


Herein lies a tale of bravery. Marc Joseph Schmid will embark on a mythical journey that is only spoken about in whispers behind closed doors. Our hero, Marc Joseph, will be attempting something so amazing, so utterly gross and unheard of, that it will be amazing if he is not run out of town by an angry mob with torches and pitchforks...

And where he lives... people actually have pitchforks.

Yes, Marc Joseph will be not shaving his face for TWO YEARS in a contest that started as a joke and turned into something very serious. That's right... hard earned money was placed as a bet in this gruesome contest. So here begins our tale. A picture of clean shaven Marc is here for your enjoyment. Remember, this is what the human known to many as "Marc", looks like.

In the months that follow, weekly picture updates will alert you to his state of being... and state of mind. Join us on the journey... if you dare.