We meet our heroes in the depths of week three. A horrid week of scratching and itching as the beard begins to take true shape; carving out the daring duo's cheeks like a hot knife through semi-frozen cheese cake. This week, we have the pleasure of FINALLY seeing "the other idiot". I've been asked to simply call him "Rob" (probably his real name). So here you have it! WEEK THREE and both competitors show NO signs of slowing down...
But what's this??? ROB is showing the tell-tale signs of TRIMMING!!! This is unacceptable in this beard growing contest expert's eyes, but hopefully there will be some explanation. I'm going out on a limb and saying he has a girlfriend. Well... I don't really have to go out on a limb. I know he does. BUT, all the same, this is a beard growing contest! Not some namby-pamby well-groomed "Brawny Paper Towels Man" contest! If "Rob" is, indeed, trimming, all trimming/grooming must stop at once!
Looks like your brother is kicking ass!! and there's no trimming allowed
I'm his girlfriend! I promise he isn't trimming...his beard is naturally that pretty. Haha. He's taking the contest just as seriously as Marc is but they're still both idiots.
is this a no shaving AND no showering contest? soaps down marc would win. hmmmmmmmm i smell another wager....
he hasn't been trimming! I thought that as well, his beard is light red and the flash makes it look thin and not there. on a lighter note. that entire night I thought his beard looked fuller than mine. the next morning. BAM! I tell myself my beard is taking the lead. Thanks misleading photographs!
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